June 21, 2010

There was once a time...

When there was a word that could pause the world for minutes together. It would send people reeling in shock and gave the user a power like no other. It was the least uttered word and kids were never taught that in school. It broke friendships, relationships and a lot of hearts.

When I was in school, I never had the guts to use it. When we fought, we used to almost threaten to unleash the word. I grew up, thinking it was the biggest of all words and even grown ups rarely brought it into conversations.

When we grew up and made friends we swore not to bring The Word between us. We believed that was the best thing in our friendship, never having to see the face of The Word.. and then one day, we let it come in between. It came rushing and gushing and did its work in full effect. Ripping, tearing and gashing all masks and things built in the friendship, The Word opened our flesh to the sky and let our wounds bask and writhe in the sun, for the world to see... or not.

Oh, having learn't so many words how could we humans let a 3 lettered Ego come in between us. Just how?

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