July 8, 2010

@ Eddie's - 2

3 weeks before I spoke to mom about going home... There I was sitting at my usual seat @ Eddie's... This time having a cup of Decaf coffee and a cinnamon roll... It was a weekday but it was raining so I decided to skip work... Not much to do there these days... It was raining in a way that would make you feel the most beautiful experiences in the world ... Like a warm kiss, a book and hot chocolate or maybe soccer in the rain with my buds... ha ha, that sure was a nice experience for me.

So, there I was sitting and having my coffee when the rain seemed to grow a little bit harder. It was nice from the inside but I am sure the people on the road wouldn't think so. There were some running into the nearest stores, huddling under big umbrellas and a few ran into @ Eddie's. They seemed like a misfit there. Not the kind of crowd who would come into a place like this ... But rain brought them there.... and they were staring at the place finding a place to sit. There were some that were taken by just a guy or two and then there was one empty table... I was counting in my head... 1..2...3......8 people.... surely a table wont fit them all.... I would have just finished counting when a couple of them landed up at my table...

'Hey, mind if we grab a seat?'
Me -' Sure..sure'

I hesitantly moved my plate of cinnamon rolls and cup of coffee further towards the glass window... I would at that moment wanted to become the salt and pepper shaker there , after what I saw... A guy and a girl took the seat across me... They seemed to hate each other's company but then there wasn't another free place... The guy was smart, charming in pleated trousers and a nice crisp (now wet in the rain) shirt...The girl was dressed in a simple dress... a polka dot blue... boy,was she pretty or what! The way she keep passing cold looks at the guy made me smile from within..... They didn't notice me there of course.... They ordered a coffee and a latte..... small talk they were doing... about how the rain had spoilt his hair and her shoes.... and then i heard something ....

' wish we had a table to ourselves.... I mean sitting with random people'
' shhush now.. its not like he's deaf'

Wow, a pretty lady talking about me.... that felt nice.... By the time I could float in that wonderful feeling they had started bickering... and she moved to my side of the table... I could have sworn to god that for an instant I thought I had fallen onto the road through the glass window! I could sense her next to me, silently sipping her latte sitting in this 'dont you dare come near me' kind of a body language.... I sure didn't .... phew!

By the time I had sipped the last of my decaf the rain had stopped and the guy and the girl (darn, what was her name!!) had gone over to Eddie's counter and were paying. 

'Aaah come back, sit here, it feels so calm when you are here

and just then Eddie had switched on Billy Joel's 'We didn't start the fire'  ha ha! Oh Eddie.... Billy Joel right, but that could have been 'Uptown Girl', couldn't it?

I saw them breeze out of @Eddie's and then I turned back to my table... 'Time to go' I thought... As I got up something was there under the bright red Menu of @ Eddie's ...

'@ Eddie's .. We got all that you want'

It was a ticket.... for a play, two days after .... just one.... was it there by mistake? OH!! did she want me to go???

What do I do now.....

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